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Sycamore Canyon Middle School Cell Phone Policy


To enhance the learning environment within the Sycamore Canyon Middle School as well as aligning with other CVUSD middle schools, the new cell phone policy will be as follows:


Policies -

· From 8:45 – 3:08, cell phones, electronic devices, air pods, and earbuds are off and in students’ backpacks. Cell phones may be used before school in the lunch shelter or after 3:08.

· Students needing to call home may do so via classroom or office phones.

· Parents needing to contact their child for emergency purposes may call the front office where a message will be sent to the student. Students will not be able to check their personal phones for messages during the hours of 8:45 – 3:08.

· Students who are ill will check in with their teacher, obtain a pass for the Health Office, and the Health Clerk will place the call home to make contact with parents.

· Per Board Policy, the District assumes no responsibility for the protection, loss, or damage to any electronic device that is brought to school.



First offense: Student will be sent to check in their phone in the front office where they will be able to pick up the phone at the end of the school day.


Second offense: Student will be sent to check in their phone in the front office where the parent will need to retrieve their child’s phone. Detention assigned.


Third offense: Student will be sent to check in their phone in the front office for parent pick up and student has lost the privilege of having a cell phone on campus for one trimester (students have the option of checking in their phone to the front office before school and picking it up at the end of the day). Detention assigned.


Texting, calling home, and/or using social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, Grub Hub, Door Dash, etc.) during instructional time and/or in any inappropriate, negative, or targeted manner that occurs during school hours will immediately result in the loss of cell phone privileges on campus for a minimum of one full trimester.


Administration and staff are looking forward to a great year and appreciate the efforts by students and parents to adhere to the aforementioned new policy.

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